

Dear customer, you may choose to leave your contact information here. However, please understand that our company is actively striving to obtain the necessary licenses. Only after we have successfully obtained the licenses can we open a real account for you. This is to ensure that our business complies with all relevant regulations and standards. We look forward to providing you with services in the near future. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Internet glitch

Due to the reception and transmission of the Internet; the structure or connection reliability of the customer’s equipment is not within the control of Enrich Target, and Enrich Target will not be responsible for failures and delays in transactions on the Internet.

Market risk and online trading

Financial derivatives transactions involve considerable risks and are not suitable for everyone. Please refer to the customer agreement in detail for a detailed introduction to risks. No matter how convenient or efficient online trading is, it will not reduce the risk of financial derivatives trading.

Password protection

Customers must keep their passwords properly to ensure that third parties cannot access the trading facilities. The customer agrees to be responsible for all instructions sent by email and for all instructions sent to Enrich Target by email, oral or written, even if issued by a third party, and these instructions have been authenticated with the customer and account number, in Enrich Target judgment. It is the customer’s superficial authorization. Enrich Target is not obligated to make further inquiries about this apparent permission, nor is it responsible for the consequences of actions or inactions taken in accordance with these instructions or apparent permission.

Inactive Account Administration Fee

If the balance of the trading account is less than or equal to USD 50, and there is no trading activity and no position for 2 months, this account needs to pay an inactive account administration fee of USD 10/month. If the balance of the trading account is higher than USD 50, and there is no trading activity and no position for 6 months, such accounts will also need to pay an inactive account administrative fee of USD 10/month, and Enrich Target will charge such trading accounts as the last Billing of inactive account administration charges begins 6 months after the close order date. After deducting the fee, the account fund is 0 or the trading account fund is 0 for one consecutive month, the system will automatically close the trading account, and the closed account will not enjoy any service from Enrich Target for this account. If the customer needs to restart the trading account , please contact our company. Enrich Target has the right to deduct this fee in one go based on the total number of months that the above-mentioned trading account has no trading activities and positions. If the trading account is traded after the above inactive period, Enrich Target has the right to deduct the fee in one lump sum based on the total number of months without any trading activity.

Quote error

When some quotation or transaction price errors occur, Enrich Target will not be responsible for the account balance error caused by this error. These errors include but are not limited to: wrong quotations by traders, quotations of non-international market prices, or any quotation errors (for example: hardware, software, network problems or wrong information provided by a third party). Enrich Target is not responsible for account balances caused by errors. When placing an order, allow enough time for the execution of the order and the time for the system to calculate the required margin. If the execution price of the order or the order setting is too close to the market price, it may trigger other orders (regardless of the order type) or issue a margin reminder. Enrich Target will not be responsible for margin reminders, account balances or account positions due to insufficient time for the system to execute orders or perform calculations. The above should not be regarded as exhaustive. Enrich Target reserves the right to make any corrections or adjustments in the event of quotation or execution errors. Any disputes about quotation and transaction errors can only be resolved by Enrich Target’s complete discretion. The Customer agrees to indemnify Enrich Target harmless from any loss, damage or liability arising therefrom.


Internet, connection delays and quotation errors sometimes cause the quotation displayed on the Enrich Target trading platform to not accurately reflect the real-time market price. “Arbitrage” and “cutting foreign exchange”, or the behavior of taking advantage of the price difference due to the delay of the network connection, cannot exist in the over-the-counter trading market where customers directly trade with dealers. Enrich Target does not allow customers to engage in such arbitrage behaviors on the company’s trading platform. Trades that rely on arbitrage opportunities due to price lags may be reversed. Enrich Target reserves the right to make necessary modifications and adjustments to accounts involved in the above transactions. Enrich Target may, at its sole discretion, require traders to intervene or approve all orders placed and or terminate the account of the client concerned. Enrich Target can resolve disputes arising from arbitrage or price manipulation completely independently. Enrich Target reserves the right to withhold withdrawals until the above problems can be resolved. No action or resolution stated herein shall prejudice or waive any rights or remedies Enrich Target may have against clients and its employees.

Price, order execution and platform manipulation

Enrich Target strictly prohibits any form of manipulation of its price, execution and platform. If Enrich Target suspects that any account is engaged in manipulation, Enrich Target reserves the right to investigate and review the account, and deduct the profit earned from the relevant activities from the suspected account. Enrich Target reserves the right to make necessary corrections or adjustments to related accounts. For accounts suspected of manipulation, Enrich Target may, at its sole discretion, require traders to intervene, approve orders and or terminate the account of the customer concerned. Any disputes arising from arbitrage and/or manipulation are at Enrich Target’s sole discretion. Enrich Target may, at its discretion, report incidents to any relevant regulatory or law enforcement agency. No action or resolution stated herein shall relieve or impair Enrich Target’s rights or remedies against its clients and its employees, all of which are expressly reserved.

Bankruptcy disclosure

Customers’ transactions with Enrich Target are not conducted on the exchange. Once Enrich Target goes bankrupt, customers may not get priority repayment rights to recover from Enrich Target the funds deposited or the benefits earned in transactions. Without priority claims, the customer is an unsecured creditor and will not be compensated with other creditors until those priority claims are paid.
